Harmony of Forces(w) This is the end of the tunnel, the end of a cycle of change. Energy of pureness abounds. Use this energy to rebuild, but remember, all has it's limits. This is only a test. Time may appear to move too slow, but this will pass. If the path seems wrong, then reconsider. Remember that destiny has a way of shifting paths until all is in balance. Balance will always be held constant. |
Issues of Power(f) "Fehu" is of fulfilment. Be cautious of what one's tongue might let pass. Is it possessions and wealth that is thy ambition, or is it rather self-control, self-rule, and the growth of will and inner strength? You will watch possessions dwindle away. Observe what is happening. "Fehu" attracts the shadows. Remember, only what one carries inside ever passes through shadows. |