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Biography - about the band

Infinisynth is a rock band with goth, progressive and industrial influences. Fronted by guitarist and vocalist, KarrArikh Tor, Infinisynth's sound has grown over the years. Using the classic goth sound they achieved on their debut CD as a starting point, Infinisynth has moved into an earlier vintage rock sound reminiscent of the progressive bands of the late '70s with German Industrial lashings. "The music is very low-key, laid back while the contents and structure are mellow and gloomy with a soothing appeal, as the fast paced guitar work weaves you in and out of ecstasy" (Klaus Dello-Stryto, The Glass Eye, July 1997 - in reference to Shadow and Shade).

Rain by Infinisynth from the album Shadow and Shade

Spiral Default 2013 by Infinisynth - the whole new album