Envy Department |
DEPARTMENT MISSION: To awaken all humans to the fact that they deserve more out of life. ORIGINAL DEPARTMENT NAME: Kwrecghv SLOGAN: "It should be mine" TOTAL STAFF: 78,641 demons SECTIONS: Jealousy, Begrudgement, Covetousness TOTAL 1ST CLASS DEMONS: 73 |
Current Status: |
Continuing high stats in developed countries but still failing to make an impact in poorer nations. Begrudgement showed an increase of 34% effectiveness over last quarter's results. Jealousy has had steady results, with outstanding performances in Krakow and Minneapolis. Covetousness has fallen in standing this quarter due to their inappropriate targeting of Nepal. |
Department Demon Of The Month: |
Susan, Jealousy Section 2nd Class Demon, Marital Relations Subcommittee, Currently assigned to Minneapolis: In recognition of her outstanding achievements in Minneapolis. Susan has worked hard for several years and pushed her city to the number one family murder capital in the United States. Congratulations Susan! |