Greed Department |
DEPARTMENT MISSION: To ensure human development by making sure they have everything they need. ORIGINAL DEPARTMENT NAME: B'pruznilt SLOGAN: "Gimme, gimme, gimme" TOTAL STAFF: 92,465 demons SECTIONS: Avarice, Avidity, Cupidity TOTAL 1ST CLASS DEMONS: 92 |
Current Status: |
Always a high performing department, Greed owes its success to its excellent targeting methods. Identifying future heads of corporations has been their foundation for many years; their early work on targets has ensured they have control over 98% of human corporations currently in existence and will achieve 100% control by the year 1104 A.D. |
Department Demon Of The Month: |
Abby, Avarice Section 1st Class Demon, The Demon of Tightfisted Miserliness: For her recent outstanding performance with target Marion Niml in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, Abby has been named the Greed Department Demon of the Month. Abby ensured the human became so miserly that when asked for a donation for a local charity, Marion Niml refused, thus ensuring her social outcast status which led to her eventual eviction and the remainder of the story which we all know so well. |