Gluttony Department |
DEPARTMENT MISSION: To satiate humans' souls. ORIGINAL DEPARTMENT NAME: Qro Dhix SLOGAN: "Everything, all the time" TOTAL STAFF: 102,212 demons SECTIONS: none TOTAL 1ST CLASS DEMONS: 152 |
Current Status: |
Currently attempting to reorganise around 3 sections but unable to come to a consensus on the divisions. Under audit for their weekly party expenditures. Despite this, Gluttony continues to grow in popularity with Demon Administration, but their excellent results can't be argued with. |
Department Demon Of The Month: |
Charles, 1st Class Demon, The Demon of Fast Food Addiction: Charles recently displayed his brilliance when assigned to Tommy Ulet in Watson Lake, Canada. Tommy was a skinny 102 pound 14 year old when Charles began. By the time he finished Tommy weighed in at 1026 pounds - and Charles accomplished that in only 2 years! |