Dark World Frequently Asked Questions
question 7 - How is the site done? Is it really done on an outdated Macintosh?
Yes it was. I am writing this on an iBook these days. We do not use Script or Java in the mazes and audio pages because it is not easily recognized by everyone who visits us (and the numbers keep growing). We use only straight HTML, GIFs for mazes, JPGs for Dark World cover art and appearence pics, MP3 files for audio samples, and MOVs for movies. Our Sample MP3 files are only meant to give the listener an idea of the style of music an Artist has done. If you wish to hear a whole song or album in it's original high quality sound, purchase it and support the Artists. It is true that many of the IMPs will never be released any other way than the free MP3 on the site.
PhotoMaker (MacSoft - for graphics), GraphicConverter (by Thorsten Lemke - for Mac), Sound Studio (v2.0.7 - for Mac), iTunes (v? - keeps changing... for Mac), GifBuilder (by Yves Piguet - for Mac - used to combine gifs into animations), HP PrecisionScan Pro (v4.2.3 - for artwork scans), Preview (v2.0.1 - for Mac, creating PDF files), Netscape 3.0 Gold and SimpleText (Mac only text program) were used in creating this site. The site was first constructed using html code in text files, then viewed and converted in Netscape. Changes in text are done in Netscape, but setting up mazes is still easier in code. We now also have an iMac which has Explorer:mac 5.2 loaded in it (we know that too many of you are not using non-Microsoft products). We have been using this to beta-test the site before it hits the open world. We are also using the Preview function (loaded in the iMac) to create PDF files which are full of information dedicated to the Dark World mazes. This way we conserve space on the site for more mazes and artwork, yet allow visitors access to the players guide and asorted maps which accompany the site (also allowing them to print the maps on their own systems). As of 2006 an iBook G4 is doing the updates, still on Netscape 3.0 using OS9classic, and beta-tested on Safari (v2.0 - Mac) using OSX also.
We have always wished our site to be avaiable to the largest audience possible. As of 2006 with all the larger screens and newer computers being used (verified through our counters), we find the site ever quicker running and faster running than before making some of our older games even difficult to us who know the answers. Larger memories allow your browser to store so many of our graphics in the mazes that it works even if Broadband is not available. We're proud to tell you how it is done, because what you see is our art and ideas and we know that understanding how it is done is only half the information. Feel free to tell us what you think, positive or negative, we won't take it wrong.
2010 update; the site is now slowly being rewritten into XHTML 1.0 using CSS pages. I write directly into TextEdit, and view the code first through Safari. I am trying to use W3 validation to make sure all new pages are fully compatible with your browsers.
2018 update; the site is now XHTML 1.0 using CSS pages. My iBook is dying. I edit now on any simple text program I have. Factory93 was hired to create a new tech friendly homepage. The original site is still here, just deeper in the overall site. I continue to update Planet Mythos pages.
question 8 - Decapitation: fatal or non-fatal in your Reality?
Non-fatal, with notable exceptions.