Production Resume
last updated 2008
Production Experience - Visual
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
NON Exhibit 001: A Vision of NON in a World of Dreams, 6 1/2 minute NON-style experimental video crafted to "Sleep of the Innocents" from sound artists Dream Quest, premiered 11/16/98, MCTC, Minneapolis, MN, 9/98-11/98
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator
Dark World Video: Tape 001-003, 2hr surreal visual stimulation video produced for live club viewing , Tape 001 premiered 1/98, Minneapolis, MN, 10/97, Tape 002-003 premiered 2/98, Minneapolis, MN, 10/97-1/98
Producer, Director, Editor, Computer Graphics, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Television: Episode One "tourist", 28min surreal audio/visual journey introducing the Dark World Website (www.darkworld.com) and three Dark World Audio Artists, premiered 8/16/97, Minneapolis, MN, 6/97-8/97
Producer, Editor, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Body Scapes, 8min. Short featuring the Imagery of Micheal Flasch, Milwaukee, WI, 8/95
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Ennui Entertainment Presents (the Series), Public Access series of 15 videos centering on the exploration of audio/visual stimulation in a passive resistaint environment, premiered 6/2/95, Milwaukee, WI, 4/95-8/95
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World: Carnival, An audio/visual walk through a carnival in Hades, premiered 2/3/95, Milwaukee, WI, 11/94-1/95
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Infinisynth: Subnormal Episode part I, Audio/Visual stimulation for young garden gnomes, premiered 9/4/94, Milwaukee, WI, 7/94-8/94
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Infinisynth: Gestatten Sie, dass ich Deutschland vorstelle!, Public Access series of six videos exploring German Culture in an audio/visual surreal form, Milwaukee, WI, 5/94-4/95
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Germania Saga, 95min epic Norse Saga told through surreal imagery and song (performed by Infinisynth), premiered 12/1/95, Milwaukee, WI, 5/94-11/95
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World: Into the Dark Continuum, Audio/Visual stimulation for deviant sub-cultures, premiered 11/4/94, Milwaukee, WI, 5/94-8/94
Producer, Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Engineer
Images of Northern Germany, A documentary of various locations in Northern Germany accompanied by classical music of the region, premiered 7/4/94, Milwaukee, WI, 3/94-6/94
Director, Editor, Camera Operator, Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World: Into the Arena, Surreal visual stimulation for deviant sub-cultures, premiered 9/2/94, Milwaukee, WI, 6/94-7/94
Studio Camera Operator
1995 Philo T. Farnsworth Awards, Live telecast of the Milwaukee Video Awards Ceremony on October 27, 1995
Production Experience - Audio
Sound Engineer
Dark World IMPs, internet releases, audio files digitally released, Co Cork, 1/08-present
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: Shadow and Shade (w/bonus), remastered audio recording to be released on CD, Co Cork, 12/07-present
Sound Co-Producer, Sound Engineer
Deemed Psychotic: 2nd Take, audio recordings to be released digitally, Co Cork, 8/07-present
Sound Producer
TechnoKy, audio recordings to be released digitally, Co Cork, 5/07-present
Sound Co-Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Compilation 2008, audio recording to be released as Promo on CD, Co Cork, 7/07-8/07
Sound Engineer
Future Dialogue: Power Machine revisited, audio recording digitally released, Co Cork, 4/07-6/07
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Jam for the Dead: Meat Jam 1, audio recording remasters digitally released, Co Cork, 1/07-3/07
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Stygian Tars: Chapter Four/Five, audio recording remasters digitally released, Co Cork, 1/07-3/07
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Milwaukee's Black Orchid: Chronicles One/Two/Three, audio recording remasters digitally released, Co Cork, 1/07-3/07
Sound Co-Producer, Sound Engineer
Noorderslag 2007, audio recording to be released as Promo on CD, Co Cork, 10/06-12/06
Sound Co-Producer, Sound Engineer
Deemed Psychotic: Funfetti 1/2, promotional audio recordings to be released on CD, Co Cork, 4/06-10/06
Sound Engineer
Kylyra: VOX, audio recording to be released on CD, Co Cork, 1/06-present
Sound Co-Producer, Sound Engineer
Cafe Crawlers: 'demo 2006', limited release demo, Co Cork, 1/06-12/06
Sound Engineer
Shadowplague: 'working title', audio recording to be released on CD, Co Cork, 11/05-present
Sound Co-Producer, Sound Engineer
Deemed Psychotic: The 1st, audio recording to be released on CD, Co Cork, 9/05-3/06
Sound Co-Producer, Sound Engineer
Noorderslag 2006, audio recording to be released as Promo on CD, Co Cork, 9/05-12/05
Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents Jam for the Dead: Samhain 2005, audio recording released on the internet, Co Cork, 10/05-11/05
Sound Co-Producer, Sound Engineer
Deemed Psychotic: Glorb and a Gloob EP, audio recording released on CD, Co Cork, 9/05-11/05
Sound Engineer
Kylyra: VOX the EP, audio recording to be released as Promo on CD, Co Cork, 5/05-11/05
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Singles for Charity CD, audio recording to be released on CD by the charity, Co Cork, 1/05-12/05
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World IMPs, audio recordings to be released on the internet, world recordings, 1/01-11/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents Jam for the Dead: Samhain 2004, audio recording released on the internet, Co Cork, 10/04-11/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
V.S.S.: FREAKSHOW, audio recording released on CD and on the internet, Co Cork, 2/04-6/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Dream Quest: Season One, audio recording remasters released on CD, Co Cork, 7/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Stygian Tars: Abridged Edition, audio recording remasters released on CD, Co Cork, 7/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Kylyra: Red Book, audio recording remasters released on CD, Co Cork, 7/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: reload, audio recording remasters released on CD, Co Cork, 7/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: default, audio recording remasters released on CD, Co Cork, 7/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Kylyra: In the Land of Death and Joy - Vol. 2, VOX demo released on CD, Co Cork, 4/04-1/05
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
V.S.S.: Deathroll, audio recording released on CD and on the internet, Co Cork, 2/04-6/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Martial Law: the cassettes 1987-1988, audio recording remasters released on CD, Co Cork, 2/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Nuclear Hedz: the cassettes 1989-1990, audio recording remasters released on CD, Co Cork, 2/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Sinister US: Last Hope Cemetery, audio recording remasters released on CD, Co Cork, 2/04
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents Jam for the Dead: Samhain 2002, audio recording released on CD, Co Cork, 10/02-11/02
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World IMPs: Best of Year 9, audio recordings released on promotional CD, Co Cork, 11/01-11/02
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World IMPs, audio recordings released on the internet, Vancouver, BC, 10/00-5/01
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Pisces Shadow: November Kali, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 8/00-9/00
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents Jam for the Dead: the Ice Chronicles, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 6/00
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Pisces Shadow: Kali in Spring, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 6/00
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents: Artist's Row Vol. 2, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 10/98-7/00
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Asagiri sessions, audio recording to be released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 11/98-4/00
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Dream Quest: Season Two, audio recording never finished, Minneapolis, MN, 10/99-04/00
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Kylyra: In the Land of Death and Joy, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 9/99-12/99
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents Jam for the Dead: Samhain 1999, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 10/99-11/99
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Kylyra: Ishtar's Ascent, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 9/99-12/99
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dream Quest: Season One, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 8/98-4/99
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Kylyra: Threshold, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 6/98-2/99
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: Subnormal Episodes and other Ghosts in the Closet, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 10/98-11-/98
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents Jam for the Dead: Samhain 1998, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 10/98-11/98
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Black Orchid: Live and Rare, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 9/98-11/98
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents: Artist's Row Vol. 1, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 9/98-11/98
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Mixer
Kylyra: First Steps, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 2/97-6/98
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Stygian Tars: Chapter One & Two, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 11-96-10/97
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
E8 Volume One, audio recording released on cassette, Minneapolis, MN, 7/96-12/96
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: Shadow and Shade, audio recording released on CD, Minneapolis, MN, 1/96-5/96
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: Shadow and Shade-EP, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 11/95
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: Chaotic Access, audio tracks released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 5/95-8/95
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: Remixes Volume One, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 5/94-10/94
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Expressions, 90min Audio stimulation written and performed for the opening and running of Micheal Flasch's "A Celebration of the Human Form" at Gallery 218 running from February 4th - 27th, 1994, Milwaukee, WI, 1/94-2/94
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Black Orchid: Traveling on Dark Frequencies, audio recording released on CD, Milwaukee, WI, 9/93-6/94
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Black Orchid: It's a Dark Thing, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 8/93
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Infinisynth: Subnormal Episodes, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 5/93
Sound Producer, Sound Artist
Nuclear Hedz: Dr. Nuclear... Mr. Hedz, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 1989
Sound Artist
Sinister: demo, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 1988
Sound Producer, Sound Artist
Martial Law: Tomorrow is Here, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 1988
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Martial Law: Mosh 'n' Roll, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 1987
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Martial Law: Return of the Motochrist, audio recording released on cassette, Milwaukee, WI, 1987
NON - Exhibit 001, 1998, 1/2 inch Video
Descent Documentary, 1998, 1/2 inch Video
Dark World Television: Episode One "tourist", 1997, 1 inch Video
Ennui Entertainment Presents (the Series), 1995, 3/4 inch Video
Germania Saga, 1995, 3/4 inch Video
Dark World: Carnival, 1995, 3/4 inch Video
Dark World: Into the Dark Continuum, 1994, 3/4 inch Video
Infinisynth: Gestatten Sie...(the Series), 1995, 3/4 inch Video
Infinisynth: Subnormal Episodes part 1, 1995, 3/4 inch Video
Dark World: Into the Arena, 1995, 3/4 inch Video
Images of Northern Germany, 1995, 3/4 inch Video
Compilation 2008, 2007, CD
Future Dialouge: Power Machine revisited, 2007, digital release
Jam for the Dead: Meat Jam 1, 2007, digital release
Stygian Tars: Chapter Four/Five, 2007, digital release
Milwaukee's Black Orchid: Chronicles One/Two/Three, 2007, digital release
Noorderslag 2007, 2006, CD
Deemed Psychotic: Funfetti 2, 2006, CD
Deemed Psychotic: Funfetti 1, 2006, CD
Deemed Psychotic: The 1st, 2006, CD
Noorderslag 2006, 2005, CD
Singles for Charity, 2005, CD
Kylyra: VOX the EP, 2005, CD
Deemed Psychotic: Glorg and a Gloob EP, 2005, CD
Dark World Promo104, 2004, CD
Stygian Tars: Abridged Edition, 2004, remastered CD
Kylyra: Red Book, 2004, remastered CD
Infinisynth: reload, 2004, remastered CD
Infinisynth: default, 2004, remastered CD
V.S.S.: Deathroll, 2004, CD
Nuclear Hedz: the cassettes 1989-1990, 2004, remastered CD
Sinister US: Last Hope Cemetery, 2004, remastered CD
Martial Law: the cassettes 1987-1988, 2004, remastered CD
Dark World Presents-Jam for the Dead: Samhain 2002, 2002, CD
Dark World IMPs: Best of Year 9, 2002, promotional CD
Pisces Shadow: November Kali, 2001, CD
Dark World Presents: Artist's Row Vol. 2, 1998, CD
Dark World Presents-Jam for the Dead: the Ice Chronicles, 2000, CD
Pisces Shadow: Kali in Spring, 2000, CD
Kylyra: In the Land of Death and Joy, 1999, CD
Kylyra: Ishtar's Ascent, 1999, CD
Infinisynth: Machine Parts, 1999, CD
Dark World Presents-Jam for the Dead: Samhain 1999, 1999, CD
Stygian Tars: Chapters Two & Three, 1999, doubleCD
Dream Quest: Season One, 1999, CD
Black Orchid: Live and Rare, 1999, CD
Infinisynth: Subnormal Episodes, 1999, CD
Kylyra: Threshold, 1999, CD
Dark World Presents-Jam for the Dead: Samhain 1998, 1999, CD
Kylyra: first steps, 1999, CD
Dark World Presents: Artist's Row Vol. 1, 1998, CD
Stygian Tars: Chapter One, 1998, CD
Kylyra: first steps, 1998, cassette
Infinisynth: Shadow and Shade, 1996, CD
Black Orchid: Traveling on Dark Frequencies, 1995, CD
Black Orchid: It's a Dark Thing, 1993, cassette
Infinisynth: Subnormal Episodes, 1993, cassette
Nuclear Hedz: Dr. Nuclear... Mr. Hedz, 1989, cassette
Sinister: demo, 1988, cassette
Martial Law: Tomorrow is Here, 1988, cassette
Martial Law: Mosh 'n' Roll, 1987, cassette
Martial Law: Return of the Motochrist, 1987, cassette
Dean of Studies, Dark World experimental School of Music, West Cork, Ireland.
Student in the Sound Arts and Video and Digital Arts programs at the MCTC, Minneapolis, MN working on double majors.
Student in the Mathematics program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Campus working on a Mathematics Major with a Physics Minor.