Michael Bourne
Production Resume
updated to 2008, Mic left on 24 October 2013
Production Experience - Audio
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Doctor When: 'Stilton Dreams', audio recording to be released on CD, Co Cork, 11/05-24/10/13
Sound Producer, Sound Artist
Shadowplague: 'working title', audio recording to be released on CD, Co Cork, 11/05-12/08
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Noorderslag 2006, audio recording to be released as Promo on CD, Co Cork, 9/05-12/05
Sound Producer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents Jam for the Dead: Samhain 2005, audio recording released on the internet, Co Cork, 10/05-11/05
Sound Producer, Sound Engineer
Dark World IMPs, audio recordings to be released on the internet, world recordings, 10/04-11/04
Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
Dark World Presents Jam for the Dead: Samhain 2004, audio recording released on the internet, Co Cork, 10/04-11/04
Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
V.S.S.: FREAKSHOW, audio recording released on CD and on the internet, Co Cork, 2/04-6/04
Sound Engineer, Sound Artist
V.S.S.: Deathroll, audio recording released on CD and on the internet, Co Cork, 2/04-6/04
Jam for the Dead: Meat Jam 1, 2007, digital release
Noorderslag 2006, 2005, CD
Dark World Promo104, 2004, CD
V.S.S.: Deathroll, 2004, CD
Student in the Dark World experimental School of Music at Dark World International, Co Cork, Ireland.
Student in Architectural Technology program at WIT, Waterford, Co Waterford, Ireland.