Dream Quest

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CD cover for "Season One: The Passing of a Loved One" from DJ Dream Quest

artist – genre: trance

main member – Navigator X (KarrArikh Tor)

collaborators – Navigators K (Kylyra), S (Spike), V, L

Fronted by Navigator X, DJ Dream Quest is deep atmospheric trance with industrial influences. One of the most unique projects in the Dark World catalogue, DJ Dream Quest began in 1998 with some of the top recording artists from Dark World combined forces with Navigator X to create the richly textured, multi-layered instrumentation of ‘Season One: The Passing of a Loved One’. Choosing to remain anonymous, the artists involved simply listed themselves also as Navigators and recorded the entire electronic/dance-trance release in a few short weeks.

listen to DJ Dream Quest on YouTube

DJ Dream Quest’s ‘Season One’ quickly gained attention and tracks were featured in the 1998 MCTC video short “Marble Universe presents: A Vision of NON in a World of Dreams”, as well as the Dark World compilation ‘Artist’s Row Vol. 1’. Work on a follow-up release titled ‘Season Two: Journey into the Festivals In-Between’ began almost immediately, but stalled as Dark World moved its base of operations to Europe.

When Dark World International gained digital distribution through iTunes, ‘Season One: The Passing of a Loved One’ was remastered along with three never before released remixes from the unfinished ‘Season Two: Journey into the Festivals In-Between’. As internet interest in DJ Dream Quest soared, Dark World began to explore the possibility of a new release. When Navigator X finally arranged a move to the EU, Dark World International requested a new album for DJ Dream Quest. “I felt pressured at first”, according to Navigator X. “I’m not a dance writer like I remember Johnny M or Kylyra being. So I thought about what happened in Season One. Songs began in the studio with equipment, not on staff paper. I liked the concepts of Stygian Tars; writing songs that were soundtracks to life.”

Influenced by Dark World International’s renowned World of Herbs, DJ Dream Quest recorded ‘Season Three: Herb Garden’ featuring fourteen brand new tracks mixing deep club grooves, world rhythms, and gently intertwining melodies. After an almost ten year break, DJ Dream Quest’s sound has deepened and become more sophisticated, yet remains unique to DJ Dream Quest. Working with Dark World International producer J.A.B. has greatly influenced Navigator X. “J.A.B. and I both like a Canadian project called Intermix and Bill Leeb’s other bands and projects, which get very industrial in sound. J.A.B. has these ideas of ‘NON’, and talks about ‘non-songs’ with ‘non-melodies’.

I’m very influenced by these ideas. I chose to not step on the other dance artists and keep the tempos down for Herb Garden. The owners of Dark World wanted the release to be pleasant to listen to, not too chaotic. I hope I achieved that. Though ‘Rosemary’ comes off quite goth to me.” The delightfully upbeat ‘Daisy’ and the deeper and darker ‘Valerian’ both demonstrate the effectiveness of DJ Dream Quest’s musical style. Rich in sub tones and recorded with the clarity and strength of Dark World International’s masterful production, ‘Daisy’ and ‘Valerian’ are set to be fan favourites.

more about Dream Quest on the older site (not mobile friendly)

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