Future Dialogue

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CD cover for "Power Machine revisited" from Future Dialogue

band – genre: Rock

members – KarrArikh Tor, Martzman, Spike

Future Dialogue is the acoustic work of artist KarrArikh Tor before he met Alex and began recording Infinisynth. In the early 90’s while living in Oceanside, California, KarrArikh wrote the single Distant Worlds and the B-side, Tomorrow. During outdoor rehearsals he met Martzman, a vocalist/bass player living in the area. They got along great and soon were rehearsing the vocals as they are now remembered. Originally scheduled to record only the two songs due to low finances, Future Dialogue got an unexpected boost when Draft happened to hear the duo in rehearsals and offered to back recording a full 40 minute release.

listen to Future Dialogue on YouTube

The eleven songs for Future Dialogue’s ‘Power Machine’ were recorded in just two 8 hour day sessions. KarrArikh recorded the multiple layered guitar tracks and sparse rhythms for all the songs on the first day. Pressed for time, Martzman and KarrArikh recorded the vocals on the second day, and KarrArikh pushed through the final mixdowns. The resulting product was 11 beautiful songs desperately needing bass. 1000 cassettes were run, but distribution houses demanded the band re-record to get any more pressings. Unable to come up with the money needed to go back to the studio, Future Dialogue was a financial disaster and became forgotten. KarrArikh moved on, met Alex, and began Infinisynth. Many of the songs of Future Dialogue were reworked by Infinisynth, but never like the originals.

In 2006 a master studio tape copy of the album was found during inventory. KarrArikh asked permission to go into the Dark World studios and resurrect ‘Power Machine’. The tape copy was transferred and cleaned up, and KarrArikh added a smooth jazzy bass and additional rhythm tracks to the songs. Producer Kristi Ameringer was brought in to oversee production and ensure the original vocals didn’t get squashed.

In early 2008 KarrArikh and Mic decided to revive Future Dialogue. The two played live at the Poets Express event on 11 July, 2009 as the intermission act. They performed two songs off Power Machine revisited, ‘Distant Worlds’ and FMLK’, along with a new song written by the two, ‘Harmonious Disruption’. A live recording of the new song has been included on the physical release of Power Machine revisited.

‘Power Machine revisited’ is what Future Dialogue should have been if time and money had been available. The subtle Latin-American feel of Future Dialogue is intensified by the addition of bass and new acoustic rhythm tracks. ‘Power Machine – revisited’ is a richly satisfying yet intimate listening experience.


JANUARY 2008: Losing Today Online Magazine / Italy

FUTURE DIALOGUE – Power Machine revisited

“Il quasi impronunciabile KarrArikh Tor è un nome che i più assidui frequentatori dei territori gothic-industrial forse riconosceranno legato ai prolifici Infinisynth. Meno conosciuto forse questo precedente progetto dalla scarsa fortuna, da lui portato avanti all’inzio degli anni’90. Oggi, grazie al fortuito ritrovamento del master di quel disco, l’idea di rimetterci le mani, dandogli una seconda chance insieme Future Dialogue.

Non una semplice ristampa: concepito in origine come un disco acustico, incentrato su voce e chitarra, con i ritmi ridotti al minimo indispensabile, oggi viene riproposto proprio accrescendone la componente ritmica, dando così un più corposo sostegno a quello che comunque ne resta il nucleo centrale. Non potendo stabilire paragoni, non avendone ascoltato la versione originale, non resta che ascoltarlo come se fosse un lavoro nuovo di zecca, il cui principale pregio sta proprio nella calda densità delle chitarre, all’insegna di suggestioni in bilico tra inquietudini e oscurità, riecheggiando certo ‘folk apocalittico’, e le maggiori aperture riconducibili a territori più genericamente ‘new wave’. Un’ambivalenza che si riproduce nella tensione vocale, divisa tra tranquillità e nervosismo, pur senza mai alzare i toni. Si lambiscono ombre gotiche e rilassamenti eterei. Un basso dai modi discreti ma suadenti e tastiere dalla grana sottile, danno al disco quel minimo di ‘spessore’ necessario a evitare l’impressione di nudità trasmessa dall’accoppiamento chitarra e voce. Un disco a tratti suggestivo, qualcuno tra gli undici brani presenti meno riuscito degli altri, qua e là un pò statico, facendo emergere sotto traccia forse un po’ di noia, ma nel complesso gradevole.” -MARCELLO BERLICH


APRIL 2008: Tarkus Magazine / Issue #44 / Norway

FUTURE DIALOGUE – Power Machine revisited

Power Machine virker som en noe misvisende tittel på denne tidvis blodfattige og 60-tallsinspirerte musikken. Det er noe puslete over dette albumet som ligger i området pompøs gitar-rock som mesteparten av pompøsiteten har gått ut av. Særlig futuristisk er det heller ikke, snarere kan man udres om det er The Shadows i forkledning.

more about Future Dialogue on the older site (not mobile friendly)

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