In Conversation with Kylyra - page 1
Table of Contents - page 1, 2, 3, 4
Discussing Deemed Psychotic, KyPoetry, TechnoKy, Poets & Kids Express, Shaky Dawg, etc.
A little background:
Kylyra, my friend from Dark World International is a busy young lady without doubt and makes my running around sometimes like I am a beginnier. First interviewed in the old version off 'Setting Sun' ( at the end off 2007, when this new site was launched the interview was One of the first interviews to be transferred across with a slight update. Further conversations with Ky revealed It would be worth doing a totally new interview With her, as since her first interview at the end off 2007, a number of new projects had cropped up And in the case of existing projects, all of them Had being updated. The interview of course pretty quick, and Certainly in the case of Kypoetry and Poets Express I have to hold my hand up and Say I was in part responsible for both of these, But both are fantastic in different ways and well Worth checking out for different reasons. More details on all of the projects can be found At They are well worth checking out. I have the CD For Kypoetry 'Purple' and it is lovely... Well Worth the 10 Euro's I paid out!
Cheers, Ky.
Andy N
Setting Sun:
How are things and whats happening at The moment?
I'm just coming off a 10 day down period, which feels odd! It's the first break I've allowed myself in over 6 months, and trying to fill my days by doing nothing was quite a challenge to a work-aholic like me.
I managed it, with some help from my friends and family....and that I didn't turn on the computer at all, and had my phones off! lol! Now I'm gearing up for a very full autumn schedule.
Setting Sun:
Now I know since we last conducted A interview, I know you have being a Very busy young lady - first of all, can You tell us a little bit about the development Of your music in Deemed Psychotic with Your excellent nine tracks available for Download on Dark World International?
Yeah, the new Deemed Psychotic sound is killer. Tor and I wrote the material for the second release ages ago, and had roughs done in the studio. We finished up the nine tracks that are available for download at our page,, and our producer, Kristi, spent about two weeks hammering in the studio on our sound.
The whole band's been remixed, and it's a much more mature sounding release. Some of the punk elements of The 1st have been softened out, and it's been getting great response on the net. 'Monsters' and 'Silly Mind Games' have both hit number one at Sony/BMG's site, Musictrax, in Japan.
Both Tor and myself would like to get the full release done; we've got another five or six songs in the studio that need final tracks put in, but our schedules have been really full! The album is supposed to be done by the end of the year, though, so it would be a great gift for someone who enjoys great, full-on hard rock....hint, hint!
Setting Sun:
It's being great to see you expand into the World of spoken poetry. I know I am partly Responsible for this happening but I never Expected the way you put music into it. Can you tell us a little bit about how The sound has developed as I know Previously your poetry was much more Inward?
Yeah, Andy, you're to blame for it! You and Coll from BlogTalkRadio...egging me on to do spoken word recordings.
(continued on page 2)