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In Conversation with Kylyra - page 3

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Setting Sun:

It's also being wicked to see Ky Poetry do Gigs (I've being to two of them). How do These compare to your studio recordings?


Performing live always teaches you so much...I'm fully aware my live performances outdo my recordings in many ways. I'm far more animated vocally in front of a live audience, and my added theatrics and blocking just make my live performances that much more engaging. That is, of course, the real reason I'll be re-recording some of the material I've got on 'KyPoetry-Purple'. I've performed them now.

Those recordings are my first attempt at the pieces. I've got a much better idea of delivery and vocal pitches, accents, etc. now. There are also recordings that would be next to impossible to perform live, and I'd like to change some of that.

Setting Sun:

I've also found it cool to hear you have a Recordings also up on D.W.I. under the name Of technoky? Can you tell us a little bit more About this sound etc?


Ah, TechnoKy....TechnoKy is my DJ material. Before KyPoetry, before Deemed Psychotic, my solo work, or Stygian Tars, I was doing trance techno.

TechnoKy gives me an opportunity to go back and do more DJing, which is a welcome break from the hard writing I do in Deemed Psychotic or the melodic work I do in KyPoetry.

It's very groovin' and has some improvisations layered on top of the trance techno - and no, not one vocal line. I'll have two producers on the material; some roughs from my first producer are available at http://www.darkworld.com/16page.html.

One production will be chilled ambience; the other will be hard driving beats. I've got more recording to do in the studio before the first release is available, and I'm going to try to get that done before next summer. I'm looking forward to taking TechnoKy live; I use some classic equipment in it and get a really fat sound.

Setting Sun:

Somehow on-top of both of this, I know you Have found time to set up Poets Express, A one day festival in Bantry, Southern Ireland. Can you tell us how this started off etc?


Can I embarrass you some more? Poets Express began because you asked about poetry nights in the area I live, Bantry, Ireland. I was mortified to tell you there weren't ANY poetry nights in the area, especially after visiting Manchester and going to poetry night after poetry night with you! I thought to myself, 'Why don't you set something up? It can't be that hard.' lol! What began as a simple idea kept growing and growing. In the end, Poets Express had seven special guests (including yourself) come in from around Ireland and Manchester, open mic times, two bands, recorded audio and video, catering, video footage specially created for the night, and one hell of a show!

It almost was too big for me to handle, but I managed it working non-stop, and relying on the help of several people. I was very pleased at the turn out; we had a grateful audience of 60-65 people who loved the night. This was the first year of Poets Express, but it won't be the last. I'll be working on securing sponsorships for the night so I can expand on it. I hope to take next year to two nights, and add in some seminars during the day.

I found while working on Poets Express that the event was not only important for poets and poetry people in the area, but it was also important to the community. I chose to hold the event at Bantry Boys' Club, a community hall that is sadly underused. Many of the locals were thrilled to see an entire show, all ages, set up there again, and I've chosen to continue holding the event there. Bantry has fancier venues, but nothing more appropriate.

Poets Express is an event for the community, for the people. Holding it in the community hall, bringing life back to the building, just makes the event that much more special.

(continued on page 4)

Table of Contents - page 1, 2, 3, 4

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