Infinisynth - download MP3s
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from Infinisynth - What Remains in the MACHINE...
Power Machine I, II & III, Engines, Follow and The Experiment are all parts of the Power Machine Saga. The first three songs were recorded in 1999. Empty Pages and The Experiment were recorded in November 2011. Love of Lies was recorded in 1998.
Engines (5:37 @8.3Mb)
Follow (6:12 @9.1Mb)
The Experiment (4:40 @7Mb)
Empty Pages (4:00 @6.1Mb)
Love of Lies (4:44 @7.1Mb)
What Remains in the MACHINE... is available online by Print-on-Demand CD from CreateSpace and features 12 tracks in total. Click on the flashing CreateSpace button to order your full release today.
from Infinisynth - Shadow and Shade
Rain was recorded in 1994 and features KarrArikh Tor, Kat, Kasey and Alex MacHein. Out of Time was recorded in 1993 and features KarrArikh Tor and Alex MacHein.
Rain (5:11 @7.8Mb)
Out of Time (3:18 @5.2Mb)
Shadow and Shade is available online by Print-on-Demand CD from CreateSpace and features 12 tracks in total. Click on the flashing CreateSpace button to order your full release today.
from Infinisynth - Subnormal Episodes and other ghosts in the closet
Empty came originally from the Shadow and Shade EP, was recorded in 1995 and features KarrArikh Tor, Kat, Kasey and Alex MacHein.
These songs were recorded in March 1993 and are the official first recordings of Infinisynth. They feature KarrArikh Tor and Alex MacHein.
Dreams (Subnormal mix) (4:08 @9.9Mb)
Environmental Programmer (Subnormal mix) (3:35 @8.6Mb)